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글 제 목 앙트레프레너십과 PE프로그램의 결합, 미국 뉴욕에서 새로운 모델로 창출되다!
작 성 자 admin 2023.01.01, 312 hit, 0 votes
[811 ×600]

2022년 미국 뉴욕/뉴저지에서 15주간 진행된 전문대학교 글로벌현장학습: 취창업트랙은 

사립 명문대학 페어리디킨슨대학 경영학부와 새로운 형태의 협업 프로그램을 창출해 낼 수 있었다.

페어리디킨슨 대학 경영학부 앙트레프레너십 프로그램과 모의기업(PE)프로그램을 결합하여 진행한 본 과정에서 페어리 디킨슨 대학 고은정 교수의 지도와 현지 전문가의 멘토링, 그리고 PEN(모의기업네트워크) 미국 본부인 VE Intl 와의 협업을 통해 학생들은 창업 아이템 발굴, 비즈니스 모델링, 미국 현지 시장 조사, 자기주도적인 글로벌 비즈니스 업무 체험을 하였다.

모의투자유치설명회부터 심사위원으로 참여한 현지 투자자들 및 홍콩, 독일 및 한국의 전문 멘토들이 중간 및 최종 보고회를 통해 학생들이 창업 아이템을 발전시켜 나가는 과정을 지켜보고 실질적이면서도 전문적인 멘토링을 아끼지 않았다.

올해 처음으로 진행한 해외 프로그램이었지만, 소기의 성과를 거둘 수 있었으며 이번 경험을 발판 삼아 코리아펜은

2023년에는 학생들에게 보다 도움이 되고 전문대학생의 글로벌 역량을 키울 수 있는 프로그램을 발전시킬 계획이다.​ 


기사바로가기: http://bit.ly/3Z1IZrQ 



FDU Silberman welcomes Korean students through the KoreaPEN Program this fall semester, spearheaded by Professor EJ Ko

Written by student marketing intern Jamie Bonaccorso

Dr. Eun-Jeong Ko, Entrepreneurship Professor at FDU

After meeting and messaging via LinkedIn, Silberman entrepreneurship professor Dr. Eun-Jeong Ko and Ms. Min-Jung Kim founder and CEO of KoreaPEN successfully introduced an exciting program to the FDU community. Partnering with Induk University, Dr. Ko has worked to bring 14 Korean students to the U.S. where they had the opportunity to evolve their business ideas abroad. There is no doubt why Dean Pierre Balthazard was on board with this unique opportunity that provided students from abroad the chance to work with FDU’s global entrepreneurship program to develop their business skills. Dr. Ko gave some insight into the program and her experience below.

Through a month-long process, the students were split into three teams working to identify three different business opportunities in the U.S. Once having built business models for each opportunity, students took their ideas beyond the classroom and gathered real feedback from real audiences. By traveling to New York, visiting various organizations, in addition to conducting interviews via phone calls, each team had the chance to discuss their business ideas with their target audience. Having gathered feedback from their target consumer base, the teams were able to take a step back and modify their business ideas as well as business models.

After conducting 80–100 interviews, each team was better able to understand what changes needed to be made to their business ideas and models to effectively adapt to the needs of their target customers. In gathering vital information through the primary research stage, the teams were then able to shift to secondary research which gave them a better perspective on the industry and market for their designated business idea. Similarly, another unique opportunity presented through this program was students were able to create social media accounts as well as YouTube channels for their businesses. By developing social media accounts for their businesses each team was able to draw engagement and awareness, while increasing interest in the products or services that would be made available to customers. On another note, students were able to build their businesses from a financial standpoint as well by looking at the impact factors such as future revenues, costs, and profits may have on their businesses.

Once having taken all the necessary steps to build their business models but also determine the feasibility of their business ideas, each team collected feedback from professionals within the U.S. and abroad. Each team shared their presentations with venture capitalists, a member of the NJSBDC, investors as well as entrepreneurs from locations including Hong Kong, Germany, and South Korea. Having the opportunity to receive feedback from customers in addition to professionals was certainly a great way for the teams to determine if their business ideas were on the right track but also how they can further expand their idea to ensure it’s successful.

KoreaPEN students finishing up their final presentations

Evidently, this program turned out to be a huge success as the students participated in a unique learning experience that granted them the opportunity to earn real feedback from real people and experts while learning how to develop a solid and most importantly feasible business idea. While the future of their business ideas is unknown, as it has not been determined if FDU’s entrepreneurship program will be able to bring these ideas to launch as of yet, the students were able to take meaningful lessons away from this experience. As the first group of students to embark on this journey, they were able to develop their business skills in various aspects while hopefully drawing inspiration that will drive them toward a future of entrepreneurship. Looking ahead, FDU and Induk University have excitingly signed an MOU that will allow for the expansion of this program. That being said, future opportunities not only for students abroad but students here on our U.S. campus may potentially be presented. With the success of the students who had partaken in the program this semester, it becomes clear that this opportunity should be left in place for future students both here and abroad. It will certainly be exciting to see what is next for the program!

KoreaPEN students with their FDU Silberman swag 

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